Dahlia Haynes

Sr. Manager, International Registration and Regulatory Compliance Expert

SC Johnson

Dahlia Haynes has had a unique upbringing that played a significant role in shaping her career. Spending her early years in Jamaica before returning to the United States to finish high school, she went on to earn her doctorate from Clemson University and completed postdoctoral work at Carnegie Mellon University. Each role she has held at SC Johnson has felt like a different company to her, providing diverse opportunities and challenges.

Impact of Upbringing and Mentorship: Her parents, with her father being from Jamaica and her mother from the UK, emphasized education, which significantly influenced her career trajectory. Dahlia acknowledges the profound impact her mother's work ethic and determination had on her. Her mother's three-job hustle instilled a strong "go-getter" attitude and taught Dahlia how to navigate challenges and find ways to succeed.

Mentorship has been critical in Dahlia's life, providing her with guidance and encouragement when she needed it most. Her mentors encouraged her to pursue graduate school and pushed her to overcome shyness and imposter syndrome, helping her develop confidence and realize her potential.

Skills and Career Navigation: In terms of technical skills, Dahlia values foundational learning, cross-functional experience, and the ability to drive process efficiencies. Navigating different roles across Research, Development, and Engineering (RDE), she emphasizes the importance of courage, resilience, and adaptability. Dahlia encourages others not to fear taking on challenging roles and to consider what they can gain from each experience.

International Experience and Growth: Her international assignment in Southeast Asia was a pivotal experience, initially daunting due to its distance from family. However, once she immersed herself in the culturally diverse and welcoming environment of Malaysia, Dahlia found the experience empowering and transformative. This opportunity gave her a fresh perspective on personal and professional growth, emphasizing the importance of valuing experiences over material possessions.

Passion for DE&I in STEM: Dahlia is also passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in STEM fields. Growing up in Brooklyn, she witnessed the challenges faced by minorities and the lack of representation in STEM fields. Through her involvement in SC Johnson's Research Group for black professionals, she seeks to drive diversity of thought and innovation. Her journey emphasizes the importance of mentorship, a learning mindset, and effective communication.

Dahlia’s Advice: Dahlia’s advice includes the importance of mentorship both internally and externally. Protecting team members' success and engagement, taking on challenging projects, and maintaining a learning mindset are all crucial aspects she highlights. Ultimately, Dahlia's career path exemplifies the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth.


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