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Global Virtual Mixer Pairing

Our Global Mixer Pairing is tailor-made for those seeking new perspectives, a global network, or meaningful connections within our community. Experience one-on-one networking via Zoom with diverse women in the chemical industry spanning over 300+ organizations. RSVP HERE.

The format consists of an introduction with presentation of the theme & suggested discussion questions, 25 minutes of 1:1 networking with a woman in our global community on Zoom, rounded out with 15 minutes of a fireside chat relevant to the theme with special guests.

Theme for November 2024: Theme: Nourishing Your Well Being, Filling Your Cup

  • This session encourages participants to prioritize their mental health and well-being. It emphasizes the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and the idea that by taking care of oneself, individuals can be more effective and resilient in their professional lives. This session provides a supportive environment where attendees can focus on both personal and professional growth, promoting a holistic approach to networking.

RSVP HERE. You must RSVP to each individual Global Mixer Pairing to get the link!

October 30

Mentorship Program Culmination Celebration: 2024 Cohort